Wednesday, July 11

we need laughter

by the reluctant blogger [bebas, larger mime, oksana]

what happens when laughter happens no more?

while most would recall their own childhood laughter from playtime with their friends, i have sourced mine from watching the screen tube just before my mandatory afternoon naps.  back then, comedy was different.  there was no need for harsh language and gruff personality attacks to elicit laughter.  it was mostly about portraying preserved human characters.  as boring as it might sound, real comedic skills lies on perfect timing, wit partnered with acting skills. 

it has been a while since somebody on TV made me laugh that way.  
godspeed mang dolphy.  heaven awaits laughter coming their way.

Tuesday, July 3

i love

by the reluctant blogger

me:  i'm having a headache
my husband:  take meds
[you see, he's quite logical - all the time]

me:  i mean, i'm having a headache, please give me a massage
my husband:  o, i see, come here then...
[then, he turns it all around by being the sweetest person in the world]

a few days ago, he turned 40.  

for 17 summers now, he has been my sunshine, my torch.  
we've had trembling days but his strength of character kept us unshaken.  

i love, my love.